Top 5 Most Romantic Places To Propose in the World

If you are going to make an effort with your proposal, you may as well go for broke, and travelling to some of the world’s most romantic locations will certainly make an impact. From the romance of France and Paris, through to the Northern Lights, and perennial favourites like Venice and New York, the only thing you have to hope for is that your significant other says yes.
Paris, France
There are many reasons why Paris is one of the world’s most romantic cities, which range from its collection of gorgeous backdrops and museums, through to the opportunities for candlelit dinners in quiet restaurants around the city. Proposals in Paris can either make the most of the big occasion, albeit without making too much of a show of where you’re going, or making a proposal a more casual part of a longer holiday.
New York City
New York’s romantic appeal for a proposal can be found in many different areas, from the chance to propose on top of the Empire State Building, to the chance to make a more unusual proposal by the Statue of Liberty, or while travelling in a horse drawn carriage through Central Park. A trip to New York also means that you get the opportunity to pick out the right engagement ring at Tiffany’s, making for an expensive, but worthwhile journey.
The Northern Lights
More adventurous proposers should think about somewhere like The Northern Lights for making a special impression. The Aurora Borealis, to give it its proper name, are best seen over Alaska or Tromso in Norway, and can’t be beaten in terms of a backdrop. Trips to the Northern Lights are best taken between late August and the middle of April, as well as from late September to the end of March. The lights can also be enjoyed as part of a full trip to Tromso.
St Lucia
The coral reefs and clear oceans of the island of St Lucia in the Caribbean afford the chance to make a proposal in a tropical setting. The island also features a volcano, as well as rain forests, if you want to make your proposal further away from the ocean. While at the island, you can also visit hot springs and the mountainous parts of St Lucia, as well as enjoying a rich diet of fruit, vegetables and local seafood.
Rialto Bridge, Venice
Venice arguably ranks alongside Venice as one of the most romantic city destinations in the world. Within the city, the Rialto Bridge is particularly appealing for its long romantic history, and reputation for having hosted proposals in the past. A holiday can similarly be enjoyed by travelling around the city by gondola, and by visiting the many museums and palazzos of the unique water bound area.
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