Top 5 Exotic Island Getaways

Below you’ll delightfully explore the top five island getaways, and get a taste for a few of the most incredible destinations the Earth has to offer those that choose to experience them. They are from different regions, but all possess a mystique and prominence that has won them the right to be perhaps the most sought after and envied locations in existence. Let’s begin:
5. The Northern House in the Sea
Built in the thirties, this coastal English B&B squats atop a granite rock overlooking the Atlantic. It’s said to have been photographed more times than Big Ben! With only one double room, it’s become a premier location for stargazing honeymooners and truly unforgettable anniversaries. The Beatles actually did some of their Magical Mystery Tour filming here, and it definitely shines through on the terrace. It’s $296 per person, per night, with a traditional, gourmet, and hearty breakfast included.
4. The Backwater Getaway of Coconut Island
Believe it or not, there’s a thriving coconut and mango farm located here. Its 150 meters of intoxicating privacy, speckled with Gooseberry trees sporting rare owls, with just enough room for a family of six. In accordance with the ancient Indian understanding of harmony, the cottage exudes pure freedom from worry, and relaxation. The price tag is $133 per couple, per night, and includes home cooked cultural meals, with options for cooking classes and Ayurvedic massages.
3. The Charming Enedrik Island
About halfway between the mighty volcanoes of Hawaii and the flat rock mountains of Australia, Endrik is a part of the magnificent Marshall Islands. When picturing this dream getaway, notions of Robinson Crusoe, Gilligan, or even the Hollywood blockbuster Castaway comes to mind. Despite being only 14 acres of prime surfing area, the spectacular view leaves impressions of adventurous snorkeling in lagoons and opulent sun bathing amidst fabled island beauty. Because the accommodations are rather humble, most people choose to pitch their own tent. It’s $553 per week for as many as eight people.
2. The Fascinating Dunbar Rock Villa
From a three story high, bleached, and secluded hotel, perched on a small outcrop sitting gracefully in Caribbean waters, the Villa on Dunbar Rock is a unique ocean breeze experience. One of the most astonishing features about this whitewashed destination is that it was once inhabited by none other than the swashbuckling pirate Blackbeard. Divers come here to swim with exotic sea life and explore sunken caves during the day, and at night, to enjoy the finest of accommodations. The cost sits at $1197 per person, per week, but it comes with three expertly overseen day dives, a night dive, and all the amazing food a visiting stomach can handle.
1. The Illustrious Lissenung Island
Gently tucked away and surrounded in the dense tropical forests of Papua New Guinea, Lissenung is a world renowned paradise. Seekers of serenity, rolling along secluded and sparkling white beaches, come here to relax and take in the wonderment of fantastic natural splendor. Because it’s only about a ten minute walk to cover the entirety of Lissenung, and the fact there’s few modern delights other than web access, it’s truly a one of a kind escape from fast paced technological society. All this for only $122 per person, per night!
Obviously there are plenty other destinations like the ones outlines above. As far as contemporary tourism of the highest order is concerned, these are the best of the best. It’s the seclusion meshed with unique cultural beauty. Finally, these places leave memories that last a lifetime. They’re unlike anything else anywhere!
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