GEAR : Titanium Collar Stay And Tool

There is only one other type of gear a vagabond loves more than portability; multi-functionality. The Titan Multi-Tool Collar Stays made of pure titanium by EXUVIUS are not only the world’s greatest and strongest collar stay, but is also functional as quite a few tools. In fact, if these were around when Macgyver was on the air, it probably would have been used on an episode or two.
Most male backpackers pack at least one really nice button up shirt for the occasional date or dress code nightclub. But hopefully none carry an iron and hostels rarely have them handy. However, every long term traveler knows the best way to pack clothing to maximize space and reduce wrinkling is to roll up clothing, not fold them up. But the inevitable uneven collar will occur. A nice and clean wrinkle free shirt is nothing if the collar is not crisp. While collar stays are probably not even considered to be part of anyone’s backpacking packing list, it may very well change with these patent pending 100% titanium ones. Lighter and stronger than steel, non-magnetic which are TSA friendly. Functional as two different types of screwdrivers, thread cutter, bottle opener, conversation starter and even a small knife with a little customization.
Wow, so cool, I didnt even know these things existed. Instant buy!