GEAR : Vagabond’s Travel Water Bottle

Vagabonds and backpackers live out of their backpacks with several key items they almost always carry, one of the most important and useful being the water bottle.
Whether full or empty, water bottles take up the same exact space in the “mobile home” we call the backpack. No experienced backpacker takes valuable backpack real estate for granted even if it’s a half a liter of space. The Platypus water bottle or “modular hydration bottle” remedies this issue flawlessly.
Irrefutably the best travel and ultra compact water bottles ever created. Available in two models; SoftBottle and PlusBottle. When filled, these water bottles hold .5 to 2 liters of liquid in an ergonomic form that is highly flexible and malleable yet completely stable. When empty, it is collapsible into a seemingly impossible size great for packing like the Squishy Bowl & Cup. Each Platypus water bottle comes with their Clean-Taste Guarantee as it is made from zero BPA. A crafty twist-lock travel valve “shuts” down the system during transport to prevent leakage. For the reasonable price, effectiveness and eco-friendliness – the Platypus water bottle is the best possible choice for backpackers.
Best travel water bottle ever! instabuy