Las Vegas Tip : The Best Way To Fly In

When Arriving in Las Vegas for the First Time, Make Sure Its Night
This travel tip isn’t about how to get a free flight, cheapest airline to Nevada or the best time of year to go – its about what time of day to go. Night, darker the better. In just about every city in the world, its the most ideal (if possible or a choice) to arrive by plane during the day. Everything is easier that way, settling in and much less intimidating for first time visitors. That is except for Las Vegas. Seeing the vastly lit and colorful strip during your flight approach and landing is quite spectacular. One of the shiniest, brightest and smallest “big” cities in the world smack in the middle of the dessert – in the middle of nowhere. Its like a settlement on some other planet, unreal. This is still an amazing thing to witness despite the fact that small residential neighborhoods have been springing up around Las Vegas Boulevard the last few years. Besides, in Vegas the casinos may be open 365/7/24 but the real fun starts late, late night.