Staying Safe on Nights Out Abroad

Going on a night out abroad is a fantastic experience and a great adventure. This way you get to experience the warm evenings, and the different kind of atmosphere that comes with that. At the same time you can drink foreign drinks, enjoy tourist attractions or local clubs and be among other people who are travelling and throwing it all to the wind for a fantastic night out.
But at the same time there are also downsides and it can be a little bit dangerous if you don’t know where you are and if you don’t know your way around. As a fish out of water drinking and losing your wits and your reactions can be a risk. Here we will look at some tips to consider when you’re partying abroad.
Don’t Flash Your Cash: At the same time though, keep your phone and your wallet relatively hidden away so that people don’t see that you’ve got them with you. Otherwise you can invite people to come and take advantage and you can draw attention to yourself.
Leave Everything Else: Your iPad, your engagement ring, your passport… none of them need to come out with you, so leave them locked up at home.
Drink From Bottles: And keep your thumb over the top of them – this way you can prevent anyone slipping anything in which can happen even in the most developed countries and safest bars. And it’s not just women it happens to either so be sensible. Meanwhile watch your drink generally and don’t leave it on the side unattended for any long stretches of time.
Stick to the Lit Areas: Don’t wander off into the back streets. You don’t know where the rougher areas are and you shouldn’t wander off in case you stumble across them.
Make a Note of Where You Are: On the way out, be sure to keep an eye on where you are going and how to get back to your hotel or villa. This will help even if you’re very drunk later.
Call for a Cab: First of all note the word call. Don’t get into a taxi you didn’t order as this can be an easy way for people to take advantage of foreigners. Likewise though make sure you ride home and don’t stumble home drunk. A great idea is to meet a local taxi driver and to take a card from them. You can then trust them to ferry you around and get home confidently.
Be Moderate: It’s always a good idea to be careful how much you’re drinking, but when you’re abroad this is more important than ever to help ensure you stay sensible and don’t make yourself a target.
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