Move and Travel With Your Pet Overseas

Dogs and cats are second family members so there is no need to drown yourself in sorrow over having to find a new owner to take your kid. Take your best friend he is going to provide you a lot of needed company in a strange new place. First there are a few steps you need to take at least one to two months before travel. Here are the most common requirements you need do before you go.
Step 1
Always check with the government website in the country you are going to under Pet Requirements. Every country has its own regulations on pets entering the country and some have special vaccination requirement or tests, it’s a good idea to be sure you know what they are.
Step 2
Get your pet micro chipped. It is usually always required and it is the fastest way your pet will be identified and returned to you should something go wrong.
Step 3
Make an appointment with your veterinarian and inform your vet of your travel plans and get your pet vaccinated. Most veterinarians can help you research what documentation and vaccinations you need. Some vaccinations need to be given more than once in time spans of two weeks apart and some rabies vaccinations must be done 4 weeks before you travel or you may be denied clearance. If you do this over a month ahead of departure you should be ok.
Step 4
Apply for any necessary entry permits ahead of time. Some countries require pre-approved permits before you arrive. Doing the research in step 1 should help you know if a permit will be required.
Step 5
Book a pet reservation with your airline in advance. Airlines have limited space for pet kennels.
Step 6
Not all countries require this however, if you need to leave your pet temporarily in quarantine arrange their stay as far in advance as possible. Kennels can often be over booked during peak seasons.
Step 7
Get a government approved verification or pet passport of animal health and vaccination. This is usually done after you have had vaccinations and micro chip and your pet is ready to travel. A government official will inspect your paperwork from your vet and issue you a pet passport or legal document that you will need to carry with you on your flight.
I have taken pets a few times with me while moving abroad and it was worth the effort. If you are traveling with your pet through an airport, I found lining the kennel with news paper or an old towel helps absorb any urine in the kennel from a long flight. The average cost for the vaccinations, micro chipping, and paperwork, in my case no quarantine was involved, my cost came under $100 not including the pet travel kennel and a $75 airfare charge for one pet kennel. The pets remained in the cabin near the flight attendants station, and were waiting for me as I arrived at the luggage carousel with a flight attendant. All you have to do is grab your luggage, pets and head to customs with every ones pass port and you are on your way!
By Amy Kogan