Las Vegas: A Large City in the Heart of a Vast Desert

A big, beautiful city in the middle of a vast desert.
Some might say that Las Vegas is fake, an artificial oasis if you will. This may be true, but one must admit, those that helped build this city over one hundred years ago did a tremendous job doing so.
If you are looking to see America at its finest and most fun, Las Vegas is the place for you! If you want a great vacation full of thrilling sight-seeing and fantastic experiences, you have chosen the right destination.
Las Vegas offers great lodging, first class dining and entertainment that cannot be beat. Not only can you find some of the best shows on earth, but you are within a short distance to some of the greatest sights in America such as the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon.
With entertainment from world class singers and comedians, to the famed and phenomenal showgirls of Las Vegas, to the world’s most luxurious spas, you will find that you will not be lacking in opportunities and you will not be disappointed.
New buildings and attractions are constantly being added to the already incredible array of stunning sights. You are sure to always find new things to see.
Because Las Vegas is visited by millions of people every year in addition to its residents, it has an incredibly eclectic mix of people within its borders. You are certain to meet the most interesting and exotic people that you have ever stumbled across. If you don’t do anything else while in Las Vegas, you could make an entire vacation out of people watching.
An added benefit that you are sure to discover is that Las Vegas is surprisingly budget friendly with great deals on lodging, flights and meals.
Visiting Las Vegas should most definitely be on your “to-do” list. If you are planning to fill out your ESTA Visa Application, be sure that you use it to take that epic trip to Las Vegas and see how much fun you can have! But like the famous saying goes… just be sure you remember that “What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas.”
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