How Wearing Backpacks Affect Others

Look around you and I guarantee that for every five people you see one will be either carrying or wearing a backpack.
And very worthwhile backpacks are too! Consider being out and about with the family for the day. Everything you need is contained in one place, leaving hands free to see to children, ferret about in pockets for the wallet or keys or point and click a camera.
You can pick up a sound backpack from many stockists and have many successful outings with it.
Accidents Can Happen
But a word of caution when wearing a backpack – remember that you have it strapped to your back. Don’t forget that your profile has at least doubled in size so you’re taking up twice as much space.
A backpack is at a very handy height for swiping someone in the face if you turn around too quickly. I know; I have done it. It was in the cable car at Innsbruck when I turned round quickly and nearly floored a poor lady standing behind me. To say she was angry is an understatement, but it made me aware where previously I was in blissful ignorance.
Another thing to consider is the backpack takes up an extraordinary amount of space when left on the floor. At a busy airport or railway station this can be a real problem and creates a significant trip hazard for the unwary. It’s also worth remembering the rule that backpacks should NEVER be left unattended, as otherwise you’ll likely have to have an awkward conversation with someone from the local constabulary.
An Accident Waiting To Happen?
Some backpacks are quite stable and have a framework, which means they stay put when you leave them to their own devices. The softer variety is the one that can flop about. Feet can get tangled up in the straps and a nasty fall can result. You need to avoid this at all costs.
Mind you, putting your backpack up on a spare seat will probably earn you some nasty looks as well, as it will be taking up a space where somebody could sit down. Using your common sense and a little self-awareness is usually all that is normally needed to find the right result.
You’re between a rock and a hard place really, so just be aware of how you move whilst wearing a backpack and be responsible about where you leave it when there are others around. That way, travel should be plain sailing!
Jack Dyson is a seasoned traveller who writes articles for the travel industry. He has travelled the world and especially loves Australasia where he lived for a number of years. Jack lives in the mountains of Scotland with his wife and two dogs. He recommends for backpacks and luggage.