Backpacking Bora Bora on a Budget : Travel Guide

French Polynesia is arguably the most beautiful destination in the world. Little can compare to the breathtaking beauty of a Bora Bora beach or the lush landscapes of Tahiti. There is no way around the fact that it can cost quite a bit to take that fantasy backpacking trip to Bora Bora. But alas, there are ways for you to curb some of the cost and get to French Polynesia or Bora Bora on a budget.
1) Use a Travel Agent
Buying your trip through a reputable travel agent will pass their buying power on to you. That means they can buy your flights and book your rooms, and any other accommodations that you need at the same all while saving you more money than had you gone at it alone.
2) Cruise
Cruising through French Polynesia can be more economical than a land based vacation. You will visit multiple islands on your trip without the added stress of catching planes or buses. This allows you to be vacationing the whole time and not wasting time with additional travel or packing and unpacking multiple times.
3) Rent a Villa
If you are traveling with multiple people it makes it easier to tackle Bora Bora on a budget. It could be more economical for you to rent a villa and then share the cost. This will keep cost down considerably especially considering that they have fully equipped kitchens for you to utilize. Not only will you save on lodging but it will keep dining out cost to a minimum as well.
4) Consider a Less Expensive Island
Vacationing in Moorea could be an excellent choice for some considering that it has a great range of accommodations within many budgets. From camping to small hotels to vast villas anyone can find something within their range here.
5) Couch Surfing
If Bora Bora on a budget is still not within your budget you could always consider couch surfing if you are adventurous enough! Couch surfing is a way to experience a Tahiti or Bora Bora vacation as a local. You would stay with a local family but still have access to the great restaurants or thrilling adventures that are offered in French Polynesia.
As you can see there are a lot of options out there for someone wanting to go backpacking Bora Bora on a budget. Don’t ever let cost stop you from exploring the world. Cross Bora Bora off your bucket list today!
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-Photography by Jodi Cobb
If Bora Bora is still too expensive, I suggest Fiji for budget backpacking.