GEAR : Tenacious Travel Gear Tape

MacGyver was a world traveler, backpacker and secret agent. Duct tape is incredible. If MacGyver was an inanimate object, he would be duct tape. But that was before the invention of Tenacious Gear Tape.
This amazing adhesive tape by Gear Aid is so versatile, resilient and functional that it can also be called “Swiss Army Tape” or “MacGyver Tape”. But duct tape has certain inherent problems like the nearly impossible to get rid of sticky residue and the fact that it sticks out like a sore thumb wherever its used.
Tenacious Tape resolves many of duct tape’s problems and goes even further. Available in 6 different colors in fabric (actual tent material) and a clear version (flexible plastic) that Superman probably would have used as scotch tape. Comes in a handy and packable case.
It can (often) indefinitely repair torn clothing, bags, shoes, socks, tents, sheets, sleeping bags or many other things from normal wear and tear or even serious damage. Whether your backpacking through trails or backpacking through cities, having one or two packs of Tenacious Tape in your backpack could be a gear-saver.
This gear tape could also be very handy for first aid purposes.