The Pros & Cons of Using Airbnb

It may seem like a great idea and might even be exactly what you’re looking for, but there are pros and cons to every scenario. Below are a few of them:
Pro: It’s Cheaper Than Hotels,
If you want to travel, Airbnb allows you to do so, even with the tightest budget. Rather than pay $100-$200 per night to stay at a regular Holiday Inn, you can find someone on Airbnb renting out a room for about $10 per night.
Con: You Don’t Know Who You’re Renting From or to.
When you stay at a well-known hotel or resort, you know that you will be staying in a clean and safe environment. When you rent a house, room or couch from someone on Airbnb, you don’t know where you will be sleeping or the conditions of your sleeping arrangements. You know nothing about the people you’re staying with, so you don’t know if it’s safe and you don’t know if it will even be clean. The same thing goes for when you’re the renter. You don’t know anything about the people you are opening your home up to. They could be into illegal activity, they could have a complete lack of hygiene, and they could even rob you, and yet they are now your temporary roommates.
Pro: The Savings Lets You Visit More Places.
If you have a desire to travel but cannot afford to make it all over the globe, it could upset you, especially if it’s a lifelong dream. By utilizing Airbnb, you can save money on accommodations, and you can put that extra money in a fund to travel somewhere else. If you keep using Airbnb for accommodations, you’ll be able to travel to all of the places you’ve ever wanted to go.
Con: It Could be Awkward.
Sometimes the people who rent on Airbnb will be away from the facility, which is why they’re renting out in the first place. Other times, however, the people who own the property will still be there. This is typically the case if you’re renting a room or staying on someone’s couch. It can be awkward trying to have a conversation with someone you don’t know yet you’re sharing a toilet with.
Pro: It Could Provide You With Extra Cash.
If you are renting out a couch or a room on Airbnb, it can help put some money into your pocket. The better your accommodations are and the more often you have visitors will be the deciding factor as to how much extra money is going in to your pocket. This is an easy way to boost your savings account or purchase a more expensive item.
Con: It’s Not Ideal For Families.
There are a few people renting out houses or condos that a family would benefit from, but since you don’t truly know the conditions, it’s not a smart idea to drag an entire family into an unknown accommodation. More people on Airbnb are renting out rooms or couches, which is better for single individuals or those traveling without children.
Airbnb does offer a rating system and insurance perks to give you peace of mind. If you’re interested in saving money while traveling or making some extra money by renting out that room you don’t use, Airbnb is the place for you. Just always be sure to weigh the pros and cons before jumping on board.
Have you used Airbnb? Tell us your story in the comments…