3 Achievable New Years Travel Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions Are Excellent Ways To Improve Oneself But Seldom Work. That’s Because The Goals Are Often Humanly Impossible, Like Quitting Smoking Or Eating Less Bacon. The Key Is To Do Something Small But Meaningful. With These 3 Feasible Resolutions, You Can Improve Yourself As a Traveler.
1) I Will Pack At Least 25% Less Gear.
-Expert vagabonds healthily obsess over the art of light packing as this is one of the first and most important skills a backpacker will learn. I personally travel with a customized 6 liter backpack but most should be able to get around the world on a modest 20 – 40 liter backpack. Chances are your thinking of getting or currently using a 55 or more liter backbreaker. Get rid of the extra fat and become a faster, leaner and more agile globetrotter this year. To get started, read the vagabond packing guide.
2) I Will Stop Buying Worthless Souvenirs.
-It is so rare to find a decent souvenir in any given destination. This is especially true if its a high traffic tourist location. The souvenirs are often extremely cheap, designed specifically for gullible tourists and sometimes made from local forced labor. Find something original, cultural, unique and make sure it doesn’t say “Made in China”. Remember, the more trinkets you buy, the more you need to carry or eventually ship back home at high prices along with customs. A smart alternative is saving the left over cash for each country as a souvenir. Paper money takes up no space, weighs almost nothing and can serve as emergency funds.
3) I Will Stop Eating at Chain Restaurants.
-This isn’t about eating healthy or keeping the weight off but about spent money and lost experiences. McDonald’s and other chains are scattered everywhere around the world, even developing countries. In the West, these types of foods are significantly less expensive than local restaurants. Ironically, its the opposite in poorer countries. Chain restaurants are often 2 to 3 times more expensive than the delicious family owned restaurant next door and even more for street foods. But more than money, its the food experience. Eating locally is a major part of travel and should not be missed out. Travel isn’t just about seeing and being at places, its also about literally tasting what the culture has to offer.
As 2012 has officially begun, I hope you follow and abide by your own resolutions while improving your travel sense with these 3. Good luck and have a great New Year.
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I keep punishing myself about giving up smoking, and that i keep smoking more, and feeling increasingly more panic and anxiety. Its discomfort. How do you quit to hurry myself into giving up smoking, I’m going about giving up smoking wrong?