5 Things That Suck About Travel

Getting to these places, however, can be tough, excruciating, and suck as bad as the annual colonoscopy.
The following are just five of the top things that suck about travelling and what you may be confronted with on your next vacationing journey.
Be prepared, some of them will not be able to avoided and you may start rethinking your trip altogether.
But, spending the afternoon cozied up in your office doing paperwork for a week straight while listening to your boss scream may appear more enjoyable to you after learning the following five sucky things.
Poor Accommodations
Poor accommodation are more than just annoying, they just plain stink. After a long day of travelling, it is horrible to go into a hotel and see scenes that look like they belong in a crime novel. Stained bed sheets or bug infested drawers can really put a damper on any trip. Okay, these might be the extreme cases of poor housekeeping, but, even a lumpy or uncomfortable bed can make a trip less enjoyable. Sometimes, though, you have to take what you can get and poor accommodations are often the only thing left.
Even if you are the happiest person in the world, obviously not me, you will find that being cramped onto a bus next to an annoying passenger can be like nails on a chalkboard.
Snoring people next to you on the plane or the crying baby with the oblivious parents make travelling frustrating and sucky. Yet, interacting with annoying people is one of the unfortunate travelling experiences.
As I have found, locating the nearest pub at any stop or break can really negate these effects.
Budget Busters
There is no doubt that on any trip you will end up spending more than you want. Of course that shiny new keychain in the gift shop looked like a great deal, but you may end up questioning later why you spent twenty pounds on it.
This is the inevitable, frustrating, and annoying part about travelling. You will spend more than you want so plan accordingly.
Of course, not everyone carries a great deal of luggage with them on a trip and sometimes it is never out of their sight. To these people I say, next time, try travelling by plane. If you have ventured by air, you know that lost luggage is a frustrating problem that you will have to deal with.
It is annoying not having your favourite teddy bear at night or being unable to find your favourite pair of slippers. This is another annoying attribute of travel that many have to deal with it. Land travellers be warned.
Security Checks
No matter where you go these days, it seems that there is a new security point to walk through. At the airport or on the bus, something is getting checked and something is being gone through. These security points are meant to keep us safe, and I can appreciate that, but I am not sure why taking off my shoes at the airport and touching the dirty floors for what seems like hours with my bare souls will keep us safer in the skies.
Be prepared that security checks can be annoying, take time, and also leave you questioning whether or not the guy who used the metal wand on you at the security point should have invited you to dinner first.
Bad accommodation can really put a dampener on any trip so before you book apartments Northampton or indeed accommodation anywhere in the world, make sure to research your options first.