3 Questions You Must Ask Before You Book Your Next Hotel

The hotel clerks will be happy to answer any of your questions about their hotel and the surrounding area, however it’s important to know exactly what to ask them if anything, since you want to know certain facts to prevent any major problems.
Check Facts Twice
Before you book your hotel you need to check your facts. Even before you ask your questions you need to make sure your room is reserved, the price is right and find out what’s covered under your package. You don’t want to find out you were charged for a temporary spa membership you never used or knew you had, do you? Knowing all the details about your hotel package is important to trying and prevent any kind of issues from arising after the fact. After that’s all cleared up, here are three questions you should ask before booking your hotel.
Ask About Date of Reservation
Firstly once you have your hotel, ask about the date in question that you will be staying there. It’s important to know more about the hotel’s schedule, for example if there are any conferences or conventions in the area on those dates.
Major gatherings like this can mean a lot of business for the hotel, but for patrons not visiting for these things it can be very chaotic. You have a lot of people milling about, looking for each other, going back and forth rooms and so forth. Find out this before you make your reservation to avoid being overrun by people.
Ask If Any Remodeling is Going On
Secondly, if the weekend is clear of conferences, ask about construction. Hotels will often need remodeling done, or have construction done to improve their facilities and keep them up to date. This is done without the hotel shutting down, however, and can be a real nuisance to the patrons.
Construction workers start work early in the morning and often make a lot of noise, something you probably don’t want to worry about if you’re there for relaxation, and definitely not something you want to worry when you’re there for business, so knowing these things in advance can save you a lot of trouble.
Ask About Amenities Like Restaurants Nearby
Third and finally, you want to inquire about restaurants, shopping and entertainment in the area aside from the hotel’s own. When looking to visit a new city the layout might seem confusing, and what seems short could very well be quite far away.
Make sure to specify that you aren’t asking about the hotel’s own facilities, as a hotel restaurant and gift shop are often more expensive and have less quality than those that stand alone elsewhere. By clarifying this early you’ll be able to save yourself time and money.
Travelers like Oscar Gomez like to stay at Banff Hotels while they are taking in the sites of the world. As a writer, Gomez also like to write about his journeys, adventures, and food that he eats in new cultures.