10 Online Resources To Use While Vagabonding & Backpacking

Modern vagabonds and backpackers can have a far more efficient and effective traveling experience by utilizing readily available technology and services wherever there is internet. In this case, 10 free websites that all RTW travelers should use as part of their digital travel gear.
If you like pictures, few words and constant updates, this site is for you. Its described as a “Travel & Backpacking Destinations” blog – I call it an Earth porn site. It features random locations and attractions worldwide with high resolution photography. Each post contains the name of the destination, location, coordinates and tags. Its a great way to get inspired to travel or find new places in the world to visit. [visit site]
Google Maps
If you will be traveling with a smartphone, you will use Google Maps. If you will use hostel or internet cafe computers, you will use Google Maps. Just because your out of the country and not driving doesn’t mean you can only rely on printed tourist maps. Google Maps offers great walking directions, street view, compass and works in most countries. If you have access to the mobile internet and not trekking, there is no need to ever lug a bulky standalone GPS device. [visit site]
There are seriously way too many discount airline websites to choose from and more are springing up everyday. In most cases and for most flights around the world, Kayak is the best. The site is well designed, easy to use, pulls from many sources and is a very reliable company. So for most international flights, always check with Kayak first. [visit site]
Hostel Bookers / World
There aren’t nearly as many hostel booking sites as there are for flights but there are quite a few of them. The biggest and most well known is HostelWorld.com. There a great company and extremely reliable but HostelBookers offers just about the same exact hostels with the just as great a level of customer service. Both websites are efficiently made and easy to use. The difference is that HostelBookers have consistently lower pricing (at the same places / time) and offers double the refund on the price difference of any place you find cheaper elsewhere. [visit site]
Say goodbye to those heavy hard drives and easy-to-lose memory sticks. Back in ancient times, backpackers had to carry all film negatives on them. Then, it was compact discs that could hold just a few photos each. Then mass storage devices that can hold thousands of photos and videos. But you still need to lug them around and if they break or gets lost, so does all your data. Dropbox lets you seamlessly upload all your data to the clouds as well as any computer in the world. So nothing gets lost. Its incredibly easy to use and they offer 2 GB for free and up to 100 GB with paid subscriptions. [visit site]
Many people may think why would you want to spend any time on Facebook while travelling the world? There are 4 good reasons. Its an excellent way for your family and friends to keep up with you so they don’t worry and ask you to call or email them every minute. An update here and there will basically create an online journal of your journey. Facebook is a great way to save your photos. But I think the most important reason why Facebook and backpacking goes so well is that it is THE BEST way to keep in touch with all the new friends you will make travelling. It sure beats boring email and expensive phone calls. You can sort of make Twitter work if you want something more bit size. [visit site]
Only in the wonderful world of backpacking can something like this exist and actually work. The idea is that a person from another country stays with another person or group for the goal of cultural and social exchange, for free. Its kind of like staying at a guesthouse except there is no money involved and is way more personal. Both sides benefit from the experience. To most, this sounds weird, scary and dangerous. But if you travel the world for a long enough time in a backpacker or vagabond fashion, you should understand how this could work. Many backpackers find “accommodations” like this all the time. There is a verification and reference system which is indeed effective. Become a member and see if this is for you. [visit site]
Thorn Tree
This site probably has the most diverse knowledge base about backpacking travel coming from so many different types of people from all over the world. Its a forum / message board run by Lonely Planet. You can basically search any question about travel and find multiple relevant answers. It has just about any experience or location information on there. Thorn Tree is also extremely active. It has high traffic, new posts coming in every second and very little spam. Its free to join, write and browse. [visit site]
This is kind of like CouchSurfing but kind of not. Like couch surfing, you stay at a person’s home, apartment or room, but you have to pay for it like a hotel. Although mostly cheaper than staying at a hotel at the same city, its often much higher than staying at a hostel. So what’s so special about this? Well you get to stay at a local’s place, not a standard issue hotel room with no character. Also, many of the places are really nice and unique. Another reason AirBnB could be useful is if you want to have an extended stay at a city. [visit site]
You can’t have a list of online resources for vagabond travel without us on it, right? As you know, EVASER is a very specific travel site. A vagabonding and world travel lifestyle site that is. Designed, operated and owned by vagabonds. [visit site]
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Hi, i am thinking about utilizing an HTC Aria/Wildfire on the plan which includes only 50MB of information per month (3rd generation). All I truly use 3rd generation for is Facebook, emails and google maps. Does anybody determine if the Gps navigation on the internet maps will put a spike during my data allowance?