Passport and Money

FAQ : How Much Does it Cost a Day to Travel The World?


– The short answer is $40 USD (32 Euros).
The global average of daily expenses that includes everything for living and travel with the exception of flight tickets.

The long answer is $15 – $65. Obviously the cost of world travel will vary from country to country. In India and much of South East Asia, you can get a decent hostel dorm for $5 – $15 a night whereas the United States and most of Europe will cost you 2 to 3 times as much. Food, drink and transportation is relative.

For most people who are not yet experienced with worldwide backpacking / budget / vagabonding / independent travel, that cost may seem unbelievably low. In fact, it’s more than likely lower than the cost of living back at home for most Westerners.

This is possible by the method of travel and lifestyle. It’s not a weekend vacation where the idea is to splurge and spend your entire budget on everything you can in the short amount of allotted time. The idea is to make it a lifestyle for the amount of time you will be travelling. Long term, 6 months, a year or indefinitely.

To do that, you spend and budget your finances like everyday life. Take buses and trains, not taxis and flights (if possible). Eat like the locals and cook your own food, not overspending on restaurants every night. Stay at hostels and guesthouses, not paying 3 – 5 times as much for hotels.

The daily $40 cost of world travel global average is not only possible but will get easier the longer you travel. This will not mean you will be living like a bum, not at all. At the very least, you will be living like a native of the country your currently in, which is actually a good thing.

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  • Patsy Herring Says

    Yup, your about right on the $40 world backpacking cost. But I love South East Asia because than the average cost is like $25.

  • Opal Morrill Says

    All I’m able to find is all about escorted tours. We wish to remain at among the Indian towns, but don’t understand how to research them. Has anyone had the experience lately to provide us advice? Any information could be appreciated.

  • Eberhard Says

    You have it spot on, with just a little work on budgeting you really can travel the world for such little money.

  • Heidi Cabrera Says

    Please tell exactly what is a private and independent travel agent and just how could they be different

    Also, the number of agents does a personal and independent travel agent will often have working there?

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