GoToobs by Humangear is the most elegant way to carry liquids with TSA friendliness and convenience while backpacking.
Backpackers and vagabonds today are lucky to have such specialized travel gear at their disposal. Not long ago, long term world travelers had to settle for whatever was available at their local shops or often clunky camping gear. Something as seemingly simple as travelling with soap, shampoo and other liquid hygiene products needs to be properly (and by law and airports) setup. The 3-1-1.
The award-winning GoToob containers are not of a hard inflexible plastic that can easily crack, but of a silky soft yet highly rugged silicone that will last for years. Instead of pounding to get your lotion or cream out like glass ketchup bottles, its a joy to squeeze the lovable GoToob bottles out of the “no-drip” valve caps. Comes in 1.25, 2, and the TSA limit of 3 ounce bottle sizes. They even come with an attached suction cup for those times your showering in a questionable hostel showers with some funky stuff on the floor. Food-safe, 100% BPA-free and covered by a lifetime warranty.

I love these things, there so cute and squishy. And they work quite well to.
There has been vacationers who say they have had TSA inspect inside individuals undergarments and around their genitalia.
What’s TSA’s policy regading this potentially unclean inspection?
How simple yet so ingenious.
There has been vacationers who say they have had TSA inspect inside individuals undergarments and around their genitalia.
What’s TSA’s policy regading this potentially unclean inspection?