Use this travel tip for your initial flight overseas or any other flight while backpacking. You may be arriving at your destination’s airport way after midnight where every things closed (not to mention confusing and scary to a foreigner) because that was the cheapest flight or it was intentional to arrive really late. Depending on the time zone, you may be wide awake. This is an excellent way to start adjusting to the new time zone by taking a long nap at the airport as soon as you land instead of paying for a bed your first night. In the morning, you may be a bit groggy but your better adjusted and saved a few bucks. Now you can get yourself a hostel as you start the new day.
-Photo by EVASER

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I’m venturing out on the cruise in four days with my loved ones. It’s a celebration in my mother and father’s 25th anniversary. Like a family, we’ve not really been in vacation. My parents honeymooned in St. Thomas but which was twenty five years ago so we are all type of wondering things to bring and what to anticipate. Here are our age range:
Mother – 50
Father – 49
Brother – 23
Sister – 21
Me – 17
Brother – 13
So what can we expect? Also, what don’t let bring that is not apparent? How have you like Royal Caribbean Worldwide?
Thanks a lot men :) I can not wait.